Week 2 – Sir Poppa

Knights of the Road – Week 2 (Photovoice submission for Sir Poppa)

What do you want people – such as the public, friends, family, health care providers, people in companies – to know about what you went through?

What I would like people to know is that what I went though was a tough lonely time. Most people don’t know what it’s like to have no one that has been though what we did. Also I would like our employers, the people of government, and the public to understand that not all injuries are visible or appear right away. I was taught to suck it up get right back up on that horse and keep on going. My symptoms didn’t really appear till months after the accident and I was told by the WCB that it couldn’t be a result of my accident 6 months prior. Well I would like to know what it was from. I did learn to cope and after being off work for 18 months I went back to the road. Was this the right choice? In hindsight it was not, as a year later I had a second bad accident but I did learn how to fight, at least somewhat, our powers that be. I still have days where it’s tough but I, like others, have survived and we want you to hear our voices. We want you to know that every decision you make on the road affects us right or wrong. We have to live with them. I would also like people to understand that safe driving means that we all can go home to our families day after day.

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